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krystin elaine

Born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, in the heart of the Great Lakes, I've been no stranger to nature and its immense beauty. From a young age I have had an interest in photography, starting with my late grandfather's old Polaroid instant - develop camera to my current Nikon set-up. Since then I have worked hard to develop my skills, and I hope you enjoy the images I so love to capture.

Through the amazing arts faculty at White Pines C&VS, photography led to Visual Arts, and graphic design. I tend to use ink, watercolours, acrylics and graphite as my conduits. My most common works are landscapes, or incorporate some form of surrealism. Expressing myself in such endless ways has had a great influence on my life.

After completing my Specialist High Skills Major in Arts & Culture from White Pines Collegiate and Vocational School, I chose to continue on to Carleton University in Ottawa, ON for a Bachelor of Arts, Combined Honours in Canadian Studies and History.

I took a leave of absence from my studies for my mental health in 2019, and then had my plans for return dashed by the COVID-19 pandemic we all know and hate. I decided to stay in much (much smaller) hometown for safety concerns and spent the 2021-2022 school year working with Lifetouch taking student portraits across Northern Ontario, which allowed me to snap pictures all over as I travelled!

I intend to take everything I've learned over the past year and apply it to my work! I'm excited for the 2022 convocation season as I'm committed to capturing my friends and the glory they've achieved throughout the obstacles of online learning, a challenge I could not surmount due to my requirement for a physical transition into a learning space!

I'm so excited to be able to collaborate with you too!

Reach out and lets come up with something special!

Until then!


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